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Giving and Supporting The Community

Your support helps us bring high-quality, educational, and entertaining programming to Southwest Virginia. With your membership, you become a part of a vibrant community of public media supporters committed to our mission of inspiring, educating, and entertaining our viewers.

Join the PBS Appalachia VA Community with Your Membership

Why Donate To PBS Appalachia VA

Donating to PBS Appalachia VA supports a pioneering public television station dedicated to providing high-quality, locally-focused programming promoting culture, heritage, music, and economic development in Southwest Virginia. By making a gift today, you're helping us inspire, inform, and connect our community through educational and entertaining content, including PBS Kids and the programming you love. Your contribution ensures that we can continue providing our viewers with engaging and enriching content while expanding our reach to new audiences


Membership  FAQS

When will someone at PBS Appalachia VA be available? 
To contact the PBS Appalachia VA team, call 844-774-1591 or send an email to To receive a response to your email, please give us 24 hours (during weekday hours). 


How can I change my account's biographical details or ask to stop receiving emails and mailings?
Please contact the team at 


Where can I find online credit card updates?
At [enter site], (that’s the site that Suzanna will be giving us … Credit Card info… monthly sustainers can update their credit card information. Or donors can call 888-332-7788 for support.


How can I change my pledge?
To get help with your account, please contact us; You can reach us at 844-774-1591 or 


How can I support PBS Appalachia VA by renewing my membership or donating?
Please visit *donation page link*  if you would like to make an online donation. For immediate help, call 844-774-1591.


Why am I getting membership notices when I just donated?  
Your payments and our member notices are likely being delivered simultaneously. Please email if your account needs to be listed correctly. 


Do I get anything in return for being a sustainer?
Yes, sustainers are entitled to a gift (or presents) of gratitude in the amount of their annual giving. Email with any questions you may have about the contribution choices or to verify your eligibility.